Emerick says that his analysis of the dust came back, and there was nothing identifiable as the remains of Loden Greatstorm, merely bio-matter and detritus, as well as a negative midi-chlorian test. Remembering, Stellan asks Emerick if he'll take the assignment now that he's looked over the data. Stellan hadn't noticed he was doing so, and Emerick clarifies that the song he was singing was the one old Vidyarvrikt used to sing to them as younglings when they wouldn't sleep, speculating it was to terrify them into behaving. In Stellan's office in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Emerick asks the recently-elevated Jedi High Council member why he keeps singing an old nursery rhyme. Emerick Caphtor kneels down and examines the pile of dust that is everything left of the Twi'lek Jedi, a frown on his face.

As Stellan and Indeera lead Bell away, another Jedi approaches in the rain. Stellan reaches out and touches the body, only for it to crumble into dust. Amidst the Battle of Grizal, Master Stellan Gios and Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes approach, while Greatstorm's Padawan, Bell Zettifar, lies curled up in agony nearby. If they canĪs a haunting melody fills the air, the petrified corpse of Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm lies on the ground. They'll follow this trail of shadows wherever it leads. Luckily, Private Eye SIAN HOLT lives in the dark. Testing himself and his Jedi ideals like never before. Emerick will need to dive into the darkness, Nihil and everyone in the galaxy, hangs by this tangled thread of But Jedi Investigator EMERICK CAPHTOR must solve It's a murder the likes of which the Jedi Order has never seenīefore. MYSTERY THAT WILL CHANGE THE HIGH REPUBLIC FOREVER!Ī Jedi Master is dead. JEDI KNIGHT AND PRIVATE EYE TEAM UP TO UNCOVER A